Location: | Košice, Košice - Staré Mesto Hlavná |
Flat type: | separate room in 3 bed flat |
Roommate should be: | does not matter |
Available from (date): | ihneď |
Monthly price: | 200 EUR (without deposit) |
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Edit this listing, pridaný: 7.4. 2017
Prenajmem izbu v kompletne zrenovovanom byte na Hlavnej ulici - cena 200 eur (vrátane energií). V blízkosti je zastávka autobusu a električky. Súčasťou bytu sú 3 samostatné izby, 2 kúpeľne a 1 veľká kuchyňa prepojená s obývačkou. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktuj na maili Anna-Lisa-Marie@gmx.de I can offer you a renovated flat directly in the Hlavna street - price: 200Euro - bus and tram stop near the flat - price includes gas, electricity and water - there are 3 rooms (you would live with two other guys), 2 bathrooms, 1 big kitchen with living room If you are interested, you can send an e-mail Anna-Lisa-Marie@gmx.de