vonkajšie svetlá LED

Prenajmem izbu v 4-izbovom byte


Location:Košice, Košice - Sever
Matuskova 4 mapa
Flat type:separate room in 4 bed flat
Roommate should be:does not matter
Available from (date):január
Monthly price:150 EUR (without deposit)
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Edit this listing, pridaný: 26.12. 2013

Prenajmem nepriechodnu izbu v 4-izbovom byte na ulici Matuskova 4 v Kosiciach. Byt s balkonom je kompletne zariadeny. V byte su traja chlapci, nekonfliktni, zamestnani. Byt byva cez vikendy volny.

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Posted by:
Oliver, renter, 0904813954
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