vonkajšie svetlá LED

Izba v Starom meste


Location:Bratislava, Staré Mesto
Sládkovičova mapa
Flat type:separate room in 3 bed flat
Roommate should be:does not matter
Available from (date):1.5.2022
Monthly price:250 EUR (deposit 250 EUR)
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Edit this listing, pridaný: 13.4. 2022

Ponúkame na prenájom nepriechodnú izbu v centre mesta. [English below] IZBA: nepriechodná, cca 12 m2, drevené podlahy, vysoké stropy, stredne-veľká posteľ, polička, stôl, stolička. V lete je na byte veľmi príjemne chladno. LOKALITA: byt sa nachádza na ulici Sládkovičova v starom meste, 100 metrov od prezidentského paláca, skade idú spoje 42, 47, 93, 84 a ďalšie. Dobrá dostupnosť na všetky smery. Vlaková aj autobusová stanica do 10 minút MHD. BYT: 3-izbový byt na prízemí, bez obývačky. Dokopy tu budú vrátane teba traja ľudia, z ktorých každý má samostatnú izbu. Na byte je práčka, umývačka, sušič na prádlo, vysávač, menšia špajza. CENA: 250 € + cca 6 € internet. Depozit 250 €. Zmluva na rok. VOĽNÉ OD 1.5. prípadne skôr po dohode. Na obhliadku pozývame len ľudí, ktorí najprv napíšu pár slov o sebe. [ENGLISH] We offer for rent a room in the city center. ROOM: private room, approx. 12 m2, wooden floors, high ceilings, mid-large bed, table, chair. In summer it is nicely cold in the apartment. LOCATION: the apartment is located on Sládkovičova Street in the old town, 100 meters from the Presidential Palace (Hodžovo námestie). There are connections number 42, 47, 93, 84 and more. Good accessibility in all directions. Central train and bus station within 10 minutes by public transport. APARTMENT: 3-room apartment on the ground floor, without living room. There will be three people together, including you, each with a separate room. The apartment has a washing machine, dishwasher, clothes dryer, vacuum cleaner, small pantry. PRICE: 250 € + approx. 6 € internet. Deposit € 250. Contract for one year. FREE FROM: 1 May, possibly upon agreement. We only invite people to the tour, who will first write a few words about themselves. At the same time we offer for purchase: a blue sofa, two ikea tables, one small black, the other a larger white, a white dresser, a set of blue paintings. We prefer people who purchase the items, but this is not a condition.

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Ondrej, renter
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