vonkajšie svetlá LED

1-bedroom flat, furnished


Location:Bratislava, Dúbravka
Galbaveho 2 mapa
Flat type:1 bed flat
Roommate should be:does not matter
Available from (date):July
Monthly price:400 EUR (deposit 400 EUR)
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Edit this listing, pridaný: 10.7. 2019

1-izbovy byt v Dubravke na Galbaveho 2, 12 Poschodie. Byt je zariadeny, nabytok, skryne, stol, kuchyna, TV atd. V okoli je park, obchod, KC, kostol, pekne prostredie a vela zelene. Idealne aj na prenajom na par mesiacov. (len treba povedat a dohodneme sa na presnom/pribliznom case) 1 bedroom flat located in Dubravka on Galbaveho street 2. Flat is fully furnished. There is a park in the area, as well as shopping centre and Lidl. Its possible to agree on few months, half a year or an yearly contract. __________________________________ +421918645081

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Posted by:
Robert Sprock, owner, +421918645081
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