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1-bedroom flat, furnished


Location:Bratislava, Dúbravka
Galbaveho 2 mapa
Flat type:1 bed flat
Roommate should be:does not matter
Available from (date):July
Monthly price:420 EUR (deposit 420 EUR)
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Edit this listing, pridaný: 30.6. 2019

1-bedroom appartement situated in Dubravka on 1-izbovy byt v Dubravke na Galbaveho 2, 12th floor. Flat is furnished, equiped with all accessories, TV, microwawe etc. It is surrounded by park and many green areas, there is Lidl just across the street. Also possible to rent just temporary, we just need to agree on specific dates (at least 3 months)

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Posted by:
Robert Sprock, owner, +421918645081