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1-bedroom flat apartment in the city center


Location:Košice, Košice - Staré Mesto
Jesenná mapa
Flat type:1 bed flat
Roommate should be:does not matter
Available from (date):1.2.2019
Monthly price:450 EUR (deposit 450 EUR)
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Edit this listing, pridaný: 3.1. 2019

I offer a 1-bedroom apartment on Jesenna street on the 2nd floor. It's completely reconstructed and furnished. I prefer a non-smoking person with no pets. The flat is located near technical university and upjs university, near t-systems and vet university, in quiet environment with quiet neighbours. My requirement is a non-party person, who need a peaceful and quiet place to live, and who would take care of the apartment and doesn't destroy it. U should contact me via email for more additional info or questions.

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Ron, owner
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